Venice is the most photographed city in the world. Both, in its moments of glory and of struggle when it is submerged by water. Why Venice? Because Venice is. Venice means beauty and a dream with one’s eyes open. Every snapshot is a confirmation. Every snapshot says: yes to Venice. YES
I propose to the press, press agencies, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, in particular) and to the managers of Apple ID and Google Play to find a way in which with every photo or video of Venice published by them or by individual users there is the possibility to donate a symbolic sum of 10 euro cents or 1 euro (or more in case of big, non-individual users like TV channels) “for Venice” to cover the damages to the population and the artistic heritage caused by the flooding of November 12th 2019 and to create a fund for future emergencies given the grim meteorological forecasts. Each photograph/video that was accompanied by a donation would be distinguished with a stamp of a small heart and a slogan: “Venice My Love.” “Venice My Love” would constitute an entirely non-profit fund managed by a financial institution that would offer its services for free and forward the funds to the City of Venice.
I deeply believe that launching the appeal and campaign for Venice through the most important press and media outlets would bring response from the professionals and businesses that can find the necessary practical solution to implement the idea.
The image of Venice, sadly and undoubtedly the most popular on social media and other media channels these days, is universally recognized and it is through this image that a worldwide awareness can be created and financial help can be obtained.